Green Certification

Our expertise in Building Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation is a vital asset in supporting the Green Building Design and certification processes in India. Our capabilities span a wide range of analyses, which are crucial for meeting green certification standards such as LEED® (IGBC or USGBC) or GRIHA. These include Energy analysis/simulation, daylight and visibility analysis, light pollution analysis, solar isolation analysis for PV placement, shadow analysis, pollution analysis, and more.

Our green building services team offers a comprehensive range of consultancy, assessment and certification services to real estate developers, construction companies, property owners and managers and building users.

A green or sustainable building increases the efficiency of energy, water and materials use. It is the result of a design which conserves resources and reduces negative impacts on human health and the environment throughout the building’s life cycle – from construction and operation to renovation and removal.

Green buildings operate much more efficiently than conventional buildings. They can save you money, increase the productivity of your personnel, enhance your company’s financial valuation and contribute to demonstrating your commitment to sustainability.

T his core value and our global expertise allow us to offer an integrated and transparent approach to green building services. We consider your building project as an interconnected process which requires multidisciplinary tasks and skills. Our approach helps to meet your sustainability goals on time and on budget.

UEDC is a certified green building consultant in India specializing in LEED, IGBC, and GRIHA certifications. Transform your building with expert sustainable design and environmental compliance. Start your journey today!

Our Green Building Services Include:

  • Feasibility studies for the assessment of basic designs
  • Green building consultancy and facilitation for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and other green building certification schemes
  • Building energy and lighting simulation and modeling
  • Building sustainability and carbon services, including carbon footprint analysis and other services such as ‘life cycle assessment’ and ‘remaining lifetime predictions’

Want to work with us?

UEDC is here to provide you with more information, answer any questions you may have and create an effective solution for your Industrial needs.

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